Creating people-centric & purpose-driven company cultures and employee experiences that empower organizations, teams, & employees to engage & excel in meaningful work.

Excel Leadership is an initiative of The Purpose & Work Institute designed to equip organizations, teams, and leaders with the research, resources, and tools to create people-centric and purpose-driven company cultures and meaningful employee experiences. Using data and insights from industrial-organizational, vocational, and positive psychology, we create excellent workplace atmospheres that are rooted in purpose, cultivate meaning, & increase overall organizational and employee performance.

86% of B2B businesses acknowledge that purpose is important to growth but struggle to implement it in a way that influences business and social outcomes as well as leadership decision-making processes.

- Carole Cone, 2020

We get it. "Purpose" and "culture" can be abstract concepts when they are idealized instead of actualized; and unfortunately, they are one of the last organizational constructs assessed and addressed when it comes to solving stressors such as high turnover and unmet performance and growth goals. However, the facts state that purpose-oriented organizations demonstrate higher levels of productivity, growth, and levels of satisfaction and commitment within their workforce. A purpose-driven company culture is one that motivates and inspires people to do deep, meaningful work. It lays a strong foundation that provides clarity, direction, and opportunities to create a shared vsion

collective purpose, and strategic focus to execute your mission and create ultimate impact for both your customers and your employees. Together, we can create a workplace atmosphere that empowers your organization, employees, and teams to excel in what matters most. That is why at PWI, we partner with Denison, the original pioneers of organizational culture and leadership, to deliver assessments and workplace solutions that are grounded in evidence-based research. With purpose as our foundation, we link to the financial outcomes that matter most to your organization and create ultimate meaning for your employees. Learn more about our workplace solutions.

Download the On-Purpose White Paper

Are you struggling to implement your company’s purpose so that it influences both your business outcomes and your employees? In the On Purpose white paper, you will learn exactly what is organizational purpose, how to define yours, and how to operationalize it to create a high-performance culture and a more meaningful employee experience that leaves an impact both inside and outside your organization. Discover the latest research on cultivating a purpose-driven company culture and employee experience.